Shopping Bags

Shopping Bags. The use of plastic carrier bags is being discouraged. Shops now charge for them. With a little practice and developing good habits it soon becomes second nature to bring a shopping bag with you when you go to the shops. Shopping bags are so much more environmentally friendly than their plastic cousins and if we can contribute to the ‘green’ policies even in small ways perhaps we can make a difference to reducing pollution of our planet. Shopping can be a chore but for many it can be their number one leisure activity. A single shopping bag might be sufficient if you are only buying a loaf of bread and a pint of milk but for serious shoppers, several bags are required. Soft fabric bags can be folded or rolled to fit inside another so that you have a spare or wish to spread the load of heavy shopping. Long loop handles mean a shopping bag can be conveniently looped over the arm or shoulder when hands need to be free or to layer up multiple shopping bags if your retail therapy session has been particularly rewarding.

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