Personal Protective Wear

During these uncertain times connected to Coronavirus and Covid19, it is more important than ever to protect ourselves and others from both contracting and spreading the virus. Personal protective clothing and accessories is no longer limited to factories and the workplace. All of us during our normal daily lives suddenly need to consider personal protection and keeping safe while doing everyday activities such as going to the shops or visiting public places. Brands and manufacturers, many of them British, have stepped up and manufactured a range of protective products to meet this new market. Here at JKL Clothing we have sourced and stocked a wide range of personal protective items for everyday use. Ranging from masks, visors, goggle and hand gel to full face coverings and gloves we have all the protective products you will need to keep you and your families safe and well. As you would expect from JKL many of these items can be branded using printing or embroidery to add a personalised or custom look. Due to their size and the disposable nature of many of this product range we are unable to brand some of the items, but where possible printing or embroidery is offered and can be seen on our website.

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